Tel: 0730 143 1561 | Email: Opening hours:Mon - Fri (09:00-17:00), Sat and Sun (Closed).

Referral and Admission Criteria

Service users may be referred to Shaped Care & Support Services Ltd by:

  • Discharge Teams from acute Stepdown and secure units (Both NHS and Independent sector).;
  • Local Authorities – such as Lancashire County Council Adult Social Services, Blackpool Social Services, and surrounding areas;
  • Residential mental health care homes;
  • Families of service users – particularly older family carers who are no longer able to give the continued care and support for their loved ones due to ill health. Please contact us to complete transfer of care for expert mental health care and support for your loved ones.

Shaped Care & Support Services Ltd will offer specialist mental health support for service users with:

  • Depressive and Anxiety disorders such as, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsory Disorder etc.
  • Psychosis with chronic history of medication non-adherence or repeated admissions.
  • Bipolar Affective Disorder; Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD).
  • Requiring Respite Care.
  • Service users involved with the criminal justice system and or leaving prisons, with mental health conditions which are linked to offending or seriously irresponsible behaviours.
  • Primary mental health diagnosis with secondary diagnoses of learning disability or autism spectrum based on assessment outcome.
  • Aged between eighteen (18) and sixty-five (65) years.
  • A willingness to engage with our recovery-based support.
  • An expectation to further move onto independent housing as their recovery improves.
  • Section 117 Aftercare.

Admission criteria:

  • All Service Users referred into our services will be offered full assessment of their mental health needs through pre-admission assessment checklist.
  • The Registered Manager will complete a full mental health assessment and needs to explore how service users will benefit from our services.
  • No service user will be admitted if they do not consent to complete a full mental health assessment of needs unless legal reasons apply.
  • Our service users will be involved in their admission process to accept the placement and recognise that this will be beneficial for themselves and captured within their care plan.

The admission criteria for accessing services at Shaped Care & Support Services are clearly stated in our policies and procedures manual.  The criterion ensures that only service users who have been fully and professionally assessed by the registered manager will be accepted.

The pre-admission checklist developed will guide and implement the admission process and offer reassurance to all our vulnerable service users, carers and referring agencies.

All prospective individuals will receive relevant information about our service to enable them to make informed choices about their care and will be able to visit our location to help them make informed decisions.

The team at Shaped Care & Support Services will ensure that all admission procedures are carried out to the highest standards and in line with our admission policy.

Contact us for more information



SHAPED CARE & SUPPORT SERVICES LTD Company number 12818744

36A Poulton Street, Kirkham, Lancashire, PR4 2AH.

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